You don’t have to go to a reputable college or university and put yourself in debt. You don’t have to work at a reputable corporation for a large salary. You don’t have to work in a big city at a job where you work 60 hours a week to try and get ahead. You don’t have too, but of course, you can if you wish.
What I recommend you do is focus on making good art. What does that mean? It means find something that you love to do, and that focuses on helping people, and do it in a way that is creative and different. Make good art.
When you’re younger, good art might look like drawing birthday or get well cards for your grandparents. When you’re older, making good art might mean writing a book that inspires millions of people.
If in order to make good art, you need to go to a reputable school, or find a high paying job in a big city, then by all means do it. However, you probably don’t have to. Just focus on making good art.
This might sound confusing, so here’s a wonderful video that will make it all make sense. I know because I’ve watched it hundreds of times. Maybe you will too.
Here’s the video:
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